Pecluma camptophyllaria var. lachnifera (Hieron.) Lellinger

  • Filed As

    Pecluma camptophyllaria var. lachnifera (Hieron.) Lellinger

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3982077

    Occurrence ID: 37ed1db9-e84d-41f3-83da-23a587dc5888

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Flora of Peru
juUt. A' SmVI , xmj
Dept. Amazonas, Prov. Chacapoyas; Leymebamba -
Balsas; 8 km from Leymebamba.
06o42,9'S, 77°49.1 'W, 2900 m.
Open agricultural area with remnants of disturbed
forest. Rooky slopes along road.
Fern terrestrial - epilithic, 30 - 50 cm high.
M. Lehnert 245