Pecluma camptophyllaria (Fée) M.G.Price

  • Filed As

    Pecluma camptophyllaria (Fée) M.G.Price

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 03982050

    Occurrence ID: 2f599f9b-1ce0-44b9-ab30-82c652663b59

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Flora of Peru
Polypodiaceae	. . 0 _	_ ,
Pecluma	(He« i	rWoe.
A* , ¿-O'® 3
Dept. Amazonas, Prov. Chacapoyas; Leymebamba
Balsas; 10 km from Leymebamba.
06°43'S, 77°50,\N, 3000 m.
Open agricultural area with remnants of disturbed
forest. Rocky slopes along road.
Fern terrestrial - epilithic, 30 - 50 cm high.
M. Lehnert 246