Salix interior Rowlee

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    Salix interior Rowlee

Salicaceae Salix interior Rowlee
(if distinct from S. exigua Nutt.)
det. M. Nee, 2017
WISCONSIN, Iowa Co., Governor Dodge State Park, S of
bridge, above floodplain but near small creek which
eventually flows into Halvorson Lake.
43°02’51”N, 90°05’41”W. alt. 294 m.
T 7 N; R 3 E; NEV4NE% sect. 35.
Grassy area with Solidago.
Shrub 2 m. tall (to 3 m. tall or more here), with 2 stems in a
clump, the stems to 2.1 cm. in diameter, 6 years old, scattered
clumps or individual stems here but not forming the dense
mound-colony of the species perhaps because of cutting of this
area in the past. See no. 63409 collected on 18 April 2017 from
this same colony and with an entirely different aspect before the
reproductive shoots and leaves had developed. Voucher for wood
specimens at Kw, Lw, MADw, RSAw.
Coll.: M. H. Nee 63596	5 June 2017
Missouri Botanical Garden (MO)