Melochia corchorifolia L.
Filed As
Melochia corchorifolia L. -
NY Barcode: 3946446
Occurrence ID: 682717fe-a683-4b84-8b54-312cca5dd698
All Determinations
Location Notes
[US & Canada]
$. C. Wurzlow, Cttrk NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN Ex*Officio Recorder and Notary Public C. A. Celestin, Chief Deputy Clerk AI*IsH of TERfcßB°^ ... Houma, La.w^ì**3:i/,191ì Dr. J.K. Small, / : New- Xo^fc City, r Dear Sir:- plant I am going to trouble you with anotner specimen fa®- identifica- tion, which seems to be Kiedlea corchorifolia (L.) D.C. p.780 of your Southern i>'lora. This plant is quite common .dn and about Houma in culti- vated. land and waste places, preferably low-moist places* I have found '?>it also north of Lake Pontchartrain in the Parish of 8t«Tammany in low sandy soil, cultivated and waste .grounds. The plants 1 send you are green; I have not a drypspecimen at present, and are small. Plant reaches about 3 l/2 feet high/ often’bxancheé from bottom, branches often decum- bent or reclining «in larger plaits. Referring to the smaller flowered aster sent you lately, a very marked pharàèieriptà&i of. - tMan^lant, is ,-that tbguldgules fceflex and become revolute at night, coiling up tfghtly, opening abfcut sunrise. I believe 1 did not mention the fa<ftktthat while;immósticases the stems are weak some stems are rigid and shriibby likes but require support to stay erect. Again thanking you, for favors, I am, Yours very truly OARO^> HERBARIUM OF JACKSONVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY EXAMINED FOR VASCULAR FLORA OF THE SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES Melochia corchorifolia L. >R.D.WHETSTON^ HERBARIUM OF THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 03946446 03946446
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Melochia corchorifolia L.