Myrica gale subsp. tomentosa (C.DC.) A.E.Murray

  • Filed As

    Myrica gale subsp. tomentosa (C.DC.) A.E.Murray

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 03948564

    Occurrence ID: e3a228d8-75b8-4c34-a2a0-d1086cd1f544

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International Sakhalin Island Project 2001
Myrica tomentosa (C. DC.) Aschers. & Graebn.
[Myfieaceae] t'Ayf-lc\cccut
Det. by Valentin Yakubov, Sep 2011. Fide: PI. Vase. Orientis
Extremi Sovietici
Russian Federation, Sakhalin Region:
Southern part of Sakhalin Island. West of Sokol. Approximately
halfway between Sea of Japan and Okhotsk Sea. Near Maly Takoy
River. 20m/65ft
47° 14.728' N, 142° 42.094' E
Meadow with wet areas and small shaded irrigation slough. In
agricultural area.
In fruit. Shrub up to 1 meter tall. Growing amongst tall grasses,
sedges and Lysimachia.
Suzanne Joneson, 2754 20 Jul 2001
_ [WTU Database #188501]