Platycerium angolense Welw. ex Hook.

  • Filed As

    Platycerium angolense Welw. ex Hook.

  • Collector(s)

    G. A. Schweinfurth 3120, s.d.

  • Location

    Central Africa.

  • Collection Notes

    [Hennipman and Roos (1982) in "A monograph of the fern genus Platycerium" cite the type of Platycerium elephantotis Schweinf. as: "Type: Schweinfuhrt 3120, Central Africa, Sudan (Niamniam), Mando's village (K, iso; B, drawing).".]

  • Specimen Notes

    Ex Herb. K [Kew] #73

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 03939863

    Occurrence ID: 012d4096-98b3-4db4-bfbb-7fbe99c81bfb

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â. Alcicornium angolense (Welw.)
Platycerium gngalensiL.'Welvr.: Hooker & Baker, Syn. Fil.
425. 1868. (Type from Angola, Welwitsch.')
Platycerium Eleph&ntotis Schweinf. Bot. Zeitung 2Q : 361. fig.
1878. (Type from central Africa.)
Range : Tropical Africa.
Icon.: Gard. Chron. III. 23: 155. f. 62. 1898 ; Rev. Hort.
Beige 28 : 85. pt. 1902 ; Schweinfurth loc. eit.
Schweinfurth’s wood cut illustration is very misleading and
does not at all compare with his specimens at Kew, which differ in
no particular from A. angolense.
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