Senecio rhizomatus Rusby

University of Zurich. Flora
of the High Andes
Senecio rhizomatus Rusby
Rhizomatous perennial. Underside of leaves purple.
Plants covered with glandular trichomes.
Very common. Habitat- Inaccessible mountain ledge.
Open Polylepis woodland with grassy ground cover.
PERU. Regi6n-CUSCO. Provincia-Calca. Distrito-Calca.
Ledge situated on the prominent cliff 1km South (150°)
of Cancha Cancha village, Huaran.
4504m. S13° 14' 35.6"W72° 01* 14.8”
Silica gel sample taken-No, Photos taken-Yes.
S.P. Sylvester. 940