Vittaria lineata (L.) Sm.

Herbarium of Iowa State University
Vittaria Sm.
Det. E. H. Crane, Ap^ 1997
.	Ref.: Crane, E. H. In Press. Systematic Botany
No. 19210
Vittaria lineata (L.) J.E. Smith
det. A.R. Smith 1982
SUCRE: Distrito Sucre: El Guayabito, along
the Rio Guayabo at its juncture with the Rio
Zumbador Cfuture basin of Represa Neveri)•
61|°17?W, 10°10 ’N; elev. 230-250 m. Forested
river bank interspersed -with clearings.
Epiphytic fern.
20-22 Nov. 1981
Gerrit Davidse + Angel Q*, Qpnzalez^ . +.. .
Distributed by the MissourPBotamcal Garden “arrcrthe Instituto
Botánico (Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales
Renovables). Field work supported by NSF (United States) and
CONICIT (Venezuela).