Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd.
Filed As
Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd. -
NY Barcode: 3927085
Occurrence ID: fd073003-4f45-4575-937f-1a9f382c9e5d
All Determinations
Location Notes
Aleurites moluccana (Linnaeus) Willdenow, Spec. Plant. 4: 590, 1805. Medium-sized tree with brown, stellate-scurfy branches. Leaves light green, alternate, lower surface covered with stellate scales, the upper surface sparingly so, ovate-lanceolate to rounded, entire or palmately 3 or 5 lobed, lobes triangular, acute, petioles up to 15 or more cm. long. Flowers small, greenish yellow to white, in large, many-flowered, terminal, paniculate dusters. Fruit about 5 mm. thick, round, containing 1 or more black, very hard, nutlike seeds. Occasional throughout the island (9702). Originally the nuts were used to make torches and the soot from them served as a coloring material for hiapo designs. The oil extracted from the nuts was used in lamps and for bathing infants. The nuts when wrapped with green bananas are said to hasten their ripening. The roasted nuts are considered especially good for young children. English name, candlenut; native name, tuitui. DEPAUW UNIV. 27621 HERBARIUM HERBARIUM. T. G. YUNCKER Flora of Niue Island Herbarium of Bernice P. Bishop Museum Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd det.: W. Stuppy (Rijksherbarium, Leiden) TflUMAN G. YUNCKER HERBARIUM OF DEPAUW UNIVERSITY (DP0) PURCHASED BY NY IN 1987 BOTANICAL Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd Tree 7 m. tall, 25 cm. diam yellowish to white. On rod near the sea nearMutalau. Jan. IT, 1940. ’tuitui1 Coll. T. G. Yuncker NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN ¡rbarium 03927085 03927085
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Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd.