Sagittaria rhombifolia Cham.

3 O
Flora of Bolivia
Family: Alismataceae
Sagittaria rhombifolia Chamisso
Determined by: N. Ritter (NHA), 1998
Department of Santa Cruz
Province of Angel Sandoval
Laguna Uberaba, on the Bolivian-Brazilian border.
Elevation approximately 85 m. Approximate center
of the collecting area: 17°34’11"S. 57°45’58"W.
Emergent. Growing on highly
sedimented portions of the mat.
Very abundant locally, flowers
white. Fruits nearly black when
mature. Leaves quite variable in
width. Abundant latex present in
the stem. Habitat: floating mat
along the edge of the basin.
Composed of a mixture of species,
with abundant Oxycajyum cubense.
7/10/98	#4440
Collected by: N. Ritter, G. E. Crow , M. Garvizu and
C. Crow.
Hodgdon Herbarium
University of New Hampshire