Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb.

Plants of Arizona
Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb.
USA. Arizona. Maricopa County.
Salt River at 35th Avenue bridge in
Phoenix, just downstream from storm
water/effluent drain with periodic large
pulses of discharge; riparian, water's
edge, plant community of sedge.s, cattail,
and other wetland species; immature tree
about 7 feet tall, pink flower and white
flower color morphs, locally scattered
along river's edge.
33.411913°, -112.133472°
Elevation: 1022 ft 310 m
Associated species: Typha, Pluchea odorata,
Cyperus eragrostis, C. involucratus,
Tamarix,. young Salix gooddingii, Populus
fremontii, Polygonum, Eclipta prostrata, *
Nicotiana glauca, N. ohtusifolia
Liz Makings 3 863	21 January 2012
with: Dustin Wolkis, Julie Stromberg,
Heather Bateman, et al.
ASU Herbarium