Coniogramme intermedia Hieron.

  • Filed As

    Coniogramme intermedia Hieron.

  • Collector(s)

    D. E. Boufford 27180B, 15 Aug 1997

  • Location

    China. Sichuan. Luding. Moxi: Gongga Shan, east side; downstream from Hailuo Guo Glacier; on S side of Bing He (river; upstream portion of Moxi River) upstream from Camp Number 1.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 03914464

    Occurrence ID: 5f66b2e0-9ee7-4e38-81b6-55c230b253b9

  • Feedback

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  • Region


  • Country


  • State/Province


  • Locality

    Luding. Moxi: Gongga Shan, east side; downstream from Hailuo Guo Glacier; on S side of Bing He (river; upstream portion of Moxi River) upstream from Camp Number 1.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 2130 m. (6988 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    23.5997, 102.058

  • Coordinate Uncertainty (m)


  • Georeferencing Method

    Georeferencing Best Practices (Chapman and Wieczor. I placed the point at the provided coordinates, assuming the point is downstream from Hailuo Guo Glacier; on S side of Bing He (river; upstream portion of Moxi River) upstream from Camp Number 1.

  • Geodetic Datum


  • Location Notes

    [Northern Asia]

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Coniogramme intermedia Hieronymous var. glabra
Sichuan Province, Luding Xian, Moxi: Gongga Shan, east side;
downstream from Hailuo Guo Glacier; on N side of Bing He
(river; upstream portion of Moxi River) upstream from Camp
Number 1. 29°35'59"N, 102°3’30"E; 2130 m. Mixed deciduous
forests. Deep rich dark soil in forest. Fronds clumped from erect
rhizome. Or Coniogramme crenato-serrata Ching & K. H. Shing?,
det. S. K. Wu, 2002.
D. E. Boufford, M. J. Donoghue & R. H. Ree
27180B	15 August 1997
Harvard University Herbaria