Pterozonium maguirei Lellinger

Beitei 85113
Pterozonium maguirei Lellinger
Duplicate at UC det A.R.Smith 1988
The New York Botanical Garden
Venezuela, Amazonas, Dpto. Rio Negro
Cerro de la Neblina Expedition
Ptero zonIu m maguirei Lei I in ger
CAMP fili Cerro de la Neblina, 5.1 m NE
Pico Phelps («Neblina) (21.5 km E Neblina
Base Camp), up new trail from heliport
(at 1850 m level) to steep, east-facing
escarpment of west wall of valley, vie.
of heliport, In dense growths of the 1.5 m
tall terrestrial bromellad Brocchlnla tate!
with scattered trees and shrubs, and
acidic sandstone outcrops; soil thin,
Infertile, peaty and acidic.
1865 m elevation	00°50'40"N,
6 5*58 ' 1 0 •• W
terrestrial among bromellac^; creeping
rhizome (stony, black tissue)
Field work supported by the Fundación para el Desarrollo de las Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y
Naturales, the National Science Foundation and the National Geographic Society.
F,	u-c., u-í, \JttJ