Gnaphalium palustre Nutt.

Herbarium of U. C. Riverside (UCR)
Plants of Los Angeles County, California, USA
Gnaphalium palustre Nutt.	AST A.C. Sanders, 2009.
San Gabriel Mtns.: east fork of Punchbowl Canyon near north
boundary of Devils Punchbowl Co. Park, 0.6 mi. south of Big
Rock Creek Rd. (Valyermo 7.5’ Q.: 34°24,59"N. 117°5035"W,
±1000m; T4N R9W S20). Alt.: 1271m/4170ft. Sandy canyon
bottom; pinyon-juniper and chaparral on adjacent dry slopes, with
Rhamnus ilic., Platanus ra., Adenostoma fasc.
Scarce annual at seep, phyllaries hyaline.
R G. Swinney 8846 12 May 2008
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