Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb.

WISCONSIN: Columbia County
Celastrus orbiculata Thunb.
Woody vine, most stems ca. 40 in. tall and twining toward tips, radiating outward
from edge of lane and forming a semicircular patch 20 yds. long by up to 12 yds.
wide; locally abundant, overrunning ground layer vegetation and just starting to
climb trees one or two places.
Quercus macrocarpa savanna; assoc.: Amphicarpaea bracteata (infreq.), Circaea
lutetiana ssp. canadensis (rare), Geranium (?G. sibiricum; infreq.), Gnaphalium
obtusifolium var. obtusifolium (rare), Poa pratensis, Polygonatum biflorum
(occasional), Rosa multiflora (infreq.), Symphyotrichum sagittifolium (common),
Torilis japonica (1 plant), and Vitis riparia (freq.). Gently rolling, very sandy
terrain, center of E-W-lying ridge of Cambrian sandstone.
Rocky Run State Fishery Area, opposite (N) side of main E-W lane from State
Natural Area, 0.7 mi. W of WI Hwy. 22,0.5 mi. S of Phillips Rd., 1.3 mi. N of
County Trunk Hwy. B, 2.8 mi. (airline distance) SSW of Village of Wyocena
(T.12N., R.10E., Sec. 32 NE4SW4; 43.45716°N, 89.33566°W). Elev. 970 ft.
Theodore S. Cochrane & Robert F. C. Naczi No. 15,530 Date: September 6,2013