Solanum olmosense Ochoa

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    Solanum olmosense Ochoa

US NSF Grant - PBI Solarium: A worldwide treatment
Solarium olmosense Ochoa
Mercedes Ames and David M. Spooner 2008
Collection number:	• Size of sets 8 . Set 1, UC;
determiner's set, USM . Duplicates: USM, US, F, NY, MO, K,
University of California
Seventh Botanical Garden Expedition to the Andes, 1963*1964
Director, Paul C. Hutchison
Additional field notes for )|)j3Q
Herb to dm. Petals cream-white with
pale green base. Anthers orange-yellow.
Subterranean stolons.
University of California
Seventh Botanical Garden Expedition to the Andes, 1963-1964
Director, Paul C. Hutchison
Solanmn raquialatum Ochoa
dupl.det. L. B. Smith, 1966
Road to Jaen, km. 38.6 east of Olmos, west side of Abra
Porculla Pass. Altitude 1570 m.
Province and Department of Lambayeque
Paul C. Hutchison ltii30
J. Kenneth Wright	18 March 1964
Distributed by the Herbarium of the University or California