Solanum humectophilum Ochoa

US NSF Grant - PBI Solanum: A worldwide treatment
Solanum humectophilum Ochoa
Mercedes Ames and David M. Spooner 2008
Province: Bagua. Cordillera Colan SE of La Peca;
elevation 7500 ft. to 7900 ft.
Flowers white with yellow anthers; fruit
green; terrestrial herb along exposed
wet rocky quebrado side at old land
slides; internees & abaxial rachis
Philip Barbour 3736 5 October 1978
Collected under the auspices of the Flora of Peru project, a collaborative effort of the Missouri Botanical
Garden and Field Museum of Natural History in conjunction with the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San
Marcos and the Universidad Nacional de Amazonia Peruana. Field work supported by the National Science
Foundation and National Geographic Society.