Pereskia grandifolia Haw.

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The New York Botanical Garden
Cultivated Plants of U.S.A.
Cactaceae Pereskia grandifolia Haw.
NEW YORK State, Bronx Co., Bronx, New York
Botanical Garden, Nolen Greenhouses, collections.
40°51*25”N, 73°52’2rW. alt. 17 m.
“1066/2008 A
PT L 1066/2008
Cary Arboretum”.
1.5 m. tall, lew-branched. Leaves fleshy. Flowers odorless
(4:20 P.M., cloudy); petals bright pink; anthers yellow;
stigmas white.
Coll.: M. Nee 57794
1 April 2011