Solanum berthaultii Hawkes

The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of BOLIVIA
Igextfcgull-ui WajAp*
M- A/jU'IV?
Depto. Santa Cruz, Prov. Vallegrande, 2.5 km.
S of center of Vallegrande, Quebrada del
Zorro. Shrubby pastures and slopes, semi-
arid, with a small grove of Parajubaea
18°30fS, 64°06fW. alt. 2040 m.
'papa de zorro" Common herb, but few yet
blooming, with small, bitter, watery tubers,
said not to be eaten nor do cultivated
potatoes hybridize with it. Flowers nearly
odorless, perhaps with a slight fragrance;
corolla pale violet.
US NSF Grant - PBI SolariumA worldwide treatment
Solarium berthaulttì Hawkes
David M. Spooner and Diego Fajardo 2008
Coll.ï M. Nee
25 Dee. 1989
I. Vargas C. 38371