Schizaea incurvata Schkuhr

Thè New York Botanical Garden
Schizaea incurvata Schkuhr
det. J.T.Mickel 1984
The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of Venezuela
Estado de Bolivar
No. 28362
Distrito de Heres: Sabana de Topopo.
W. margin of lower Rfo Caroni opposite
Arekuna 6°30'N; 62°55'W. 450 m alt.
Sandstone scrub forest on ridge.
Growing in open places among rocks.
Col.G.T.Prance&O.Huber	August 30, 1983
Plants collected on Inventario Botanico-Ecologico del bioma sabana en el Edo
Bolivar with the collaboration of MANR, EDELCA AND CONICIT