Dicranopteris linearis (Burm.f.) Underw.
Filed As
Dicranopteris linearis (Burm.f.) Underw. -
D. L. Topping 3525, 29 May 1932
United States of America. Hawaii. Pupukea-Kahuku Trail, Oahu, T.H.
NY Barcode: 3880429
Occurrence ID: d65e13a7-378a-4b7c-920b-c50881a0c038
All Determinations
United States of America
Pupukea-Kahuku Trail, Oahu, T.H.
Location Notes
CALI FOI q^MPBEU. President of the University UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE OFFICE OF THE DEAN I , Common Häme. - - .........L , ffljl Collector.................................j Exact locality./* Habitat.. Altitude above the sea........................... Tree; shrub; bush; vine; herb...... Height of plant.............................Diam.. Flower............................................................ (Odor, oolor, eto.) Fruit.. Special notes.. (Kind, odor, color, eto.) Economic uses.. Date. 5m- 6/24 NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 03880429 HERBARIUM *TO DEGENS“!» January 14, 1925. Mr* D. L. Topping, Box 2356, Honolulu, T. H# Dear Mr# Topping: I had seen the originals of the numerous enclosures in your letter of December 31 and so the duplicates were filed in my waste basket• The Clemens present a very wonder- ful combination of missionary endeavor and botanical explora- tion* I hope sometime that you will be able to get back to Kauai with view to carrying on some rather intensive botanical field work in the bogs at h|.gh altitudes for I believe that this region must present a Very specially Interesting flora# I am glad to know that you Kave been collecting some material and hope that you will not devote all of your time to your hibiscus garden* When you get around to it I would be very glad to receive a set of anything you have available represent- ing the flora of Hawaii# There are comparatively small col- lections available here but I find there is a partial set of the Heller collection# I am at the present time segregating frof the .general herbarium all of the old world material but the wprk is going rather slowly as I shall have to go through the entire herbarium personally and this means the handling somewhat ’ over 200,000 sheet s. I have very little knowledge of the Hawaiian flora and have never attempted to work with Hillebrand» publications# Still I feel that I can identify with comparatively little difficulty at least the widely dis- tributed species although the endemic elements will cause me certain difficulties. If you are interested in securing names of the flowering plants I would advise you to retain a numbered set for I can at least supply you with a partial set of iden- tifications of your general collections and this same statement also applies to the ferns. I note what you say regarding the orchids and would be very gtaatly obliged if you cfinnld send me three or four specimens of each of the very few species that grow in Hawaii; I would like a set to be retained here and would also like to have a set to send to Mr. Ames and perhaps duplicates to send to Dr. Schlechter. I have written up a brief report at Dr. Gregory*s request emphasizing the desirability of a comprehensive botanical survey of Hawaii* I realize very fully that this plan cannot be con- summated under the direction of the present botanical staff of the Museum and shall discuss this matter personally with Dr. ' PLANTS OF HAWAII EX HERBARIUM OTTO DEGENEB ILCLSvCd '1/i/lAOÍtAJun 'Is KcJamJajx. s&a+f' ribed In “Plants Haw. Nat..ftek” ¿o. 00 «na u» T -if/I KA h. ni___and In new * Collected by (Many plants described Illustrated “Flora Hawailensis 13.50 by Otto D€*ener, Honoluln, X. H.) 03880429
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Dicranopteris linearis (Burm.f.) Underw.