Sticherus bolanicus (Rosenst.) Copel.
Filed As
Sticherus bolanicus (Rosenst.) Copel. -
NY Barcode: 03867965
Occurrence ID: f0ec6a33-d262-4b0e-9f58-2419891facc1
All Determinations
Location Notes
FLORA OF MOUNT JAYA, IRIAN JAYA, INDONESIA (NEW GUINEA) Glelchenlaceae Stfcherus £>o(cv»i csJ* £op*- P~-J ’£6v'c*rhi(v<) *(2o*a 4* 4’S 137° 5'E Freeport Concession Area: Base of Heavy Equipment Access Trail (HEAT) rd., near gauging station. Steep bank next to road. Exposed rock faces in the mid montane zone with dense patches of Mapania. Altitude: 2600m. Abundant on wet flush c.2m above H.EAT. road, below this a recent landslide that had blocked the road, also some adjacent on an older landslide, both sites fully open, with only a few small woody plants. Rhizome long-creeping on or just under the surface, very tough, hard and brittle (snaps easily). Stipes ± horizontal to lying down the slope. Rachis very strong and wirey, mostly dark reddish-brown, glossy, the largest seen c. 1.5m long. Pinnae hard-leathery, adaxially dark green and glossy, abaxially mid bluish-green (bloom!) and matt. Fertile pinnae mostly the apical ones, whether or not the shoot consists of 2,4 or more pinnae. HERB, SPIRIT (rhizome). Edwards. PJ. 4306 27.3.1999 With: T.MA Utleridge (K) and F.R. Willis (K). Herbaria: BO,K,MAN,L,Freep,CANBABISH,LAE.SYD,GH.N Y,SAN,IBB Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Herbarium Bogoriense, Kebun Raya Bogor, the Biodiversity Centre, Cenderawasih University. Manokwari - with assistance from Rio Tinto and Freeport Indonesia. Please send new determinations to Irian Jaya Coordinator, R.B.6. Kew, TW9 3AE, UK. 03867965
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Sticherus bolanicus (Rosenst.) Copel.