Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link

Herbarium of U. C. Riverside (UCR)
Plants of San Diego County, California, USA
Torilis arvensis (Hudson) Link	API
Peninsular Range: Boden Canyon Ecological Reserve at E end of
San Pasqual Valley, along entrance road from Hwy 78 to
Clevenger Canyon (San Pasqual 7.5’ Q.: Near 33°05'07"N,
1|6654,06"W). Alt.: 244-274m/800-900ft. Steep canyon slopes,
rocky; chaparral and oak woodland with Quercus agrifolia, Q.
engelmannii, Adenostoma fasciculatum, Cneoridium dumosum,
XylococCus bicolor, etc.
Very locally common annual in oak grove in Clevenger Cyn.; fls.
white (few remaining). Some plants dead or moribund.
A.C. Sanders 31083	17 Jim 2005
w/ T.B. Salvato
Entered into UCR Database (32601UCR1)