Eleocharis macrostachya Britton

Herbarium of U. C. Riverside (UCR)
Plants of Riverside County, California, USA
Eleocharis macrostachya Britton
Perris-Aguanga Basin Region: French Valley, SE of Winchester
Rd. (Hwy 79) between Thompson Rd. and Benton Rd., ca. 0.5 mi.
NE of Adobe Spring, near San Diego Aqueduct (Bachelor Mtn.
7.5’ Q.: Near 33035'42"N, 117°07i0"W). Alt.: 412m/1350ft.
Rolling hills with some granitic outcrops; loam with clay in
depressions; coastal sage scrub remnants and herb dominated areas,
partially old fields. Some pools and drainages holding water.
Many native annuals present.
Uncommon perennial at edge of channel, in wet mud and shallow
A.C. Sanders 29234
w/ Kelly Volansky
17 Mar 2005
Entered into UCR Database (32400UCR1)