Connarus turczaninowii Triana

inflorescence (fruit not split when
Departamento de Colón
Connarus lambertii
Fruits bright red orange, spletting to expose
smooth creant & colored seed with chocolate
brown oval spot on ventral side, aril at base
yellow &convoluted t*rt taste, leaves waxy,
forest green above with pale green main vein;
bright yellow green below; shrub in fall seen
to 10 ft. erect branches weighted down with
1.8 ml. »trip on the north bank of rlo Gualmoreto between old bridge and opening of Laguna Gual-
moreto 4.5 ml. NE of Tru|lllo on old road to Castilla. Lat. 15« 57' 30" N; long. 85« 54' 30" W
JANICE SAUNDERS 454	DATE: July 10, 1980
&JS Buckley
Capuchin feeding »tody by John S. Buckley under auspices of Dept, of Anthropology, Univ. of T®
at Austin and instituto Hondureno de Antropología e Historia.	'	'®xas