Ampelopsis cordata Michx.

4. AMPEL6PSIS Michx.
Vines with few tendrils. Leaves alternate, simple to bipinnate. Flowers
mostly perfect, cymose. Sepals and petals 5, the latter distinct, expanding.
Disk present, entire or undulate. Ovary’ 2-ceIled; ovules 2 in each cell;
style slender. Berry nearly dry. Seeds 2-4.
1. A. cordata Michx. A high-climbing vine, with forking tendrils and
Warty bark; leaves simple, ovate or triangular-ovate, 4-12 cm. long, acuminate,
acutely serrate, truncate or subcordate at the base, glabrous or sparingly pu-
bescent beneath; cymes slender-peduncled, 3-8 cm. broad ; berries subglobose,
6-8 tyitw- broad, bluish or greenish. Cissus Amvelovsis Pers. [Of]. River banks:
Va.—se Neb.—-Kans.—Tex,.—Fla. Austral. My-Je.
Cordate Cissus.
Mohr GliH 6: 611
npelopsiB cordata Michx. FI. Bor. Am. 1:159« 1803.
Cissus ampelopsis Pers. Syn. 1:142. 1805.
Vitis indivisa Willd. Berl. Baumg. ed. 2,538. 1811.
ill. Sk. 1:305. Gray, Man. ed. 6,114. Chap. FI. 71. .Coulter, Contr. Nat. Herb. 2:63.
Carolinian and Louisianian areas. Southern Virginia south to Florida, west to
Arkansas and southern Missouri.	'
Alabama : Over the State in the valleys to the coast. Eiver banks. Franklin
CounTyffeussellville. Tuscaloosa County (E.A. Smith). Dallas County, Big Prairie
Creek. Monroe County, Claiborne. Baldwin and Mobile counties*, Frequent,
climbing over bushes 6 to 8 feet, high.
Type locality: “ Mab. in dumetosis regionis Illinoensis et ad ripas amnis Savan-
nah.”	'	’	' •
Herb. Geol, Surv. Herb. Mohr.
Plants of MARYLAND, U.S.A.
Ampelopsis cordata Michaux
CAROLINE CO.: Town of Preston, along railroad
tracks between Back Landing Road and Hunting Creek.
3 August 2008
Wayne D. Longbottom 11,839