Ampelopsis cordata Michx.
Filed As
Ampelopsis cordata Michx. -
NY Barcode: 3841498
Occurrence ID: 4537f164-ed25-4044-a13c-b15c05377e6a
All Determinations
Location Notes
[US & Canada]
Am4T*S}l>* 4. AMPEL6PSIS Michx. Vines with few tendrils. Leaves alternate, simple to bipinnate. Flowers mostly perfect, cymose. Sepals and petals 5, the latter distinct, expanding. Disk present, entire or undulate. Ovary’ 2-ceIled; ovules 2 in each cell; style slender. Berry nearly dry. Seeds 2-4. 1. A. cordata Michx. A high-climbing vine, with forking tendrils and Warty bark; leaves simple, ovate or triangular-ovate, 4-12 cm. long, acuminate, acutely serrate, truncate or subcordate at the base, glabrous or sparingly pu- bescent beneath; cymes slender-peduncled, 3-8 cm. broad ; berries subglobose, 6-8 tyitw- broad, bluish or greenish. Cissus Amvelovsis Pers. [Of]. River banks: Va.—se Neb.—-Kans.—Tex,.—Fla. Austral. My-Je. Cordate Cissus. Mohr GliH 6: 611 npelopsiB cordata Michx. FI. Bor. Am. 1:159« 1803. Cissus ampelopsis Pers. Syn. 1:142. 1805. Vitis indivisa Willd. Berl. Baumg. ed. 2,538. 1811. ill. Sk. 1:305. Gray, Man. ed. 6,114. Chap. FI. 71. .Coulter, Contr. Nat. Herb. 2:63. Carolinian and Louisianian areas. Southern Virginia south to Florida, west to Arkansas and southern Missouri. ' Alabama : Over the State in the valleys to the coast. Eiver banks. Franklin CounTyffeussellville. Tuscaloosa County (E.A. Smith). Dallas County, Big Prairie Creek. Monroe County, Claiborne. Baldwin and Mobile counties*, Frequent, climbing over bushes 6 to 8 feet, high. Type locality: “ Mab. in dumetosis regionis Illinoensis et ad ripas amnis Savan- nah.” ' ’ ' • Herb. Geol, Surv. Herb. Mohr. 1901 CrO^cLoJto^ Plants of MARYLAND, U.S.A. EASTERN SHORE Ampelopsis cordata Michaux CAROLINE CO.: Town of Preston, along railroad tracks between Back Landing Road and Hunting Creek. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 3 August 2008 Wayne D. Longbottom 11,839 03841498 03841498
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Ampelopsis cordata Michx.