Phlegmariurus rufescens (Hook.) B.Øllg.

  • Filed As

    Phlegmariurus rufescens (Hook.) B.Øllg.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3835178

    Occurrence ID: 5d9abebc-5ae9-49b5-9e37-c418aefa8c0f

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Collected by B. 011gaard, L. Holm-Nielsen, B. Boysen
Tarsen, L. P. Kvist, A. R. Jensen & S. Wium-Andersen
No. 38535	Lycopodiaceae
Huperzia rufescens (Hook.)Trevisan
Det. B. 011gaard, 1987
Prov. NAPO:	__ „
Llanganati. Paramo SE of Chosa Aucacochat between
Aucacocha and Pan de Azúcar. Hilly paramo, dominated
by 1-2 m high Neurolepis scrub, scattered Escallonia
and Gynoxys, and Oritrophium swamps. Soil temperature
6.5°C. (7B#18'W 1 9*S) Alt. 3800-3900 m. 15 MáJ 1982?
In bog.
b tanical Institute University of Aarhus, Denmark (AAU). Project directed by LB.Holm-Nlelsen and B.OIIgaard
in collaboration with P. Universidad Católica (QCA) and Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales (QNA), Quito.