Phlegmariurus reflexus (Lam.) B.Øllg.

  • Filed As

    Phlegmariurus reflexus (Lam.) B.Øllg.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3835090

    Occurrence ID: 5cf7a547-9d76-46ac-a340-275901df0627

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Harvard University Herbaria
Plants of Venezuela
Lycopodium reflexum Lam.
Edo. Aragua, Parque Nacional Henri Pittier.
Along the road from Maracay to Choroni, 5 km
below top on north side of pass. Cloud forest
along roadside. Alt. 1350 m.
Upright, green, terrestrial herb on sand
cliffs above road. Sporangia yellow.
Anna L. Weitzman and Brian M. Boom 121
11 November 1984