Philodendron tenue K.Koch & Augustin

  • Filed As

    Philodendron tenue K.Koch & Augustin

  • Collector(s)

    T. B. Croat 38639, 28 Aug 1976

  • Location

    Colombia. Valle del Cauca. Along old highway between Cali and Buenventura, 29 km beyond th junction with the new highway (20 km W of village of Borrero Syerbe and 7 km W of El Salado).

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3801616

    Occurrence ID: 8967c6d1-e4c7-479b-abac-4ae806e2ad9f

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province

    Valle del Cauca

  • Locality

    Along old highway between Cali and Buenventura, 29 km beyond th junction with the new highway (20 km W of village of Borrero Syerbe and 7 km W of El Salado)

  • Elevation

    Alt. 1400 - 1240 m. (4593 - 4068 ft.)

  • Location Notes

    [South America]

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

3 $
Dept, of Valle
Philodendron tenue C. Koch
Det. T. Croat 1982
Along old highway between Cali and
Benaventura, 29 km beyond th junc-
tion with the new highway (20 km W of
village of Borrero Syerbe and 7 km W of
El Salado) disturbed forest along steep
rocky creek leev. 1400-1420 m
terrestrial; petiole terete; cataphyll
sharply 1-ribbed; midrib flat and broad
above, majors prom, sunken; minor veins
fine but visible below.
Thomas B. Croat 38639 28 Aug. 1976