Salvinia minima Baker

  • Filed As

    Salvinia minima Baker

  • Collector(s)

    Collector unspecified s.n., 1890

  • Location

    United States of America. Minnesota. Beezey's Lake, near Minneapolis.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3813010

    Occurrence ID: d472d929-c9ab-47d8-964f-2ab3d3eb67d4

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  • Kingdom


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  • Family


  • All Determinations

    Salvinia minima Baker

  • Region

    North America

  • Country

    United States of America

  • State/Province


  • Locality

    Beezey's Lake, near Minneapolis

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

ferred to a tank in the university plant-house, where they are
growing vigorously, and' it is fioped will haye soon multiplied
enough to admit of a distribution. These Salvinias Were col-
lected early in October, but were overlooked in the first exami-
nation of material. Not until they had separated from the mass
of Lemnas, Myriophyllums and Potamogetons with which they
were gathered were they noted. Six good-sized plants <$re at
presént growing in the tank, double the number that firsjt ap-
peared. The leaves' are a trifle smaller than indicated in £he
figure in Luerssen’s Farnfaznzent Vol. Ill of Rabenhorst’s Kryp-
togamen Florá, page 601, athe^ise the plants are s^ictly typi- Í
cal. The. lake from which they were collected is in a boggy tract
surrounded with* • trees of i*(irix and hard-wood timber. It is
fed fron-i ,00]$ springy and rains. Perhaps; the smaller size ci
leáve$4|i ^ihoesotavgpecimeps is due, however, not to the col$
ilake,;t?i|t;to the> time ^ collection being so late. / v
-ConwaIt MacMillan.'
~ ;¥i.Univ^ity crf.^inne^a.	? '''M
Salariala ..miniala Baker
Det. E. R. de la Sota, 19.7?...
Salvinia natans (L.) All., in Minnesota.
This very interesting heterosporous pteridophyte is apparently
rare in North America. It is reported in the fifth edition of Gray’s
Manual, as probably not occurring in North America,, although
Pùrsh is supposed to have found it in Western New York. . In
the sixth edition this uncertainty is somewhat dispelled by a re-
port of the plant from Missouri, but no authority is given for the
station.. It is, therefore, an important discovery which this note,
chronicles, viz., that Sctlvinia natans (L.) All., grows in Swee-
ney’s Twin Lake, four miles west of the city of Minneapolis.
Only a few plants have been found and these have been trans-
it :9 .
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