Drymonia strigosa (Oerst.) Wiehler

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    Drymonia strigosa (Oerst.) Wiehler

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 03791511

    Occurrence ID: a8c34f49-b8c5-4a8e-a4f3-8c23f76d424d

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Drymonia strigosa (Oerst.) Wiehler
det. L. Clavijo 2016
Revision of the genus Drymonia (Gesneriaceae)
Herbarium of the University of Alabama (UNA)
Plants of Chiapas, Mexico
Drymonia strigosa (Oerst.) Wiehler
Epiphyte. Corolla yellow. Calyx red.
Montane Rain Forest, Hauya, Pinus,
Clusia, Ficus, Pers.ea, Calatola,
adjacent to Laguna Ocotal Grande.
Municipio of Ocosingo.
Elevation 80 0 m
D.E. Breedlove 32988	6 February 1973