Drymonia semicordata (Poepp.) Wiehler

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    Drymonia semicordata (Poepp.) Wiehler

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3791497

    Occurrence ID: ec4b42e0-f4a2-4393-b38c-ea8f1c7e45d8

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Drymonia semicordata (Poepp.) Wiehler
det. L. Clavijo 2016
Revision of the genus Drymonia (Gesneriaceae)	^ *
Herbarium of the University of Alabama (UNA)	f
t>rJ^on»<x ru.icorda.4n	WieM.
v cU+* g*Stoq,m3
Prov: Mariscal Cáceres. Distrito: Tocache
Nuevo. Alt. UQO m. Quebrada de Ishichimi,
cerca a Tocache.
Trepadora de 3-4 m.; flores vivid
yellow, brácteas vivid red.
Habitat: epífita en bosque alto.
José Schunke V. 10050 17 Marzo 1978
Collected under the auapicea of the Flora of Peru project, a collaborative effort of the Misaouri
Botanical Carden and Field Museum of Natural !Ii>tOi> Ir. conjunction with the Univertidad
Nacional Mayor de San Marcoa and the Univertidad Nacional de Amuonia Peruana. Field work
aupported by the National Science Foundation.