Parmentiera aculeata (Kunth) Seem.

  • Filed As

    Parmentiera aculeata (Kunth) Seem.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3784876

    Occurrence ID: 3576d9f3-233a-4034-b96b-521f599b7a15

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! Susan O. Grose June 2005
Fide: FI. Neotropica
The New York Botanical Garden
D. Lentz 2463
Parmentiera aculeata (Humb., Bonpl. & Kunth) Seem.
D. Lentz, B. Boom, R. Karty, J. Layne, C. Specht, A. Zima.
27 May 1996
Belize. CayoA: Xunantunich temple grounds. 17.1 °N , 89.1 °W ca
250 m. Tropical Forest.
C 20m. tree, dbh 40 cm; bark red-brown, scaly; some fluting at base.
Fruit and flowers green, cauliflorous, some terminal.