Ammannia coccinea Rottb.

Division: Anthophyta	^ (Elector Lowell Ahart
claB8: Dicotyledoneae_Date Nov. 9, 1986
Family: Lythraoeag_._
ScientificN«™.: Ammanifta cooolnea_Rottb._
Common Name: Long-leavea Ammannla____
Locality- ^outh of the clay burrow
plant Aaaodation: Valley Grassland__
Habit: Annual, stems 1-4 dm. long__
Altitude:	feet__
Butte County
On damp red gravelly soil, on the bottom of
a drying pond, about 1/10 mile^ south of the
clay burrow for Oroville Dam, 1/4 mile east of
Larkin Road, about 6 miles south-west of
Oroville, Butte County, California. Common.
Flowers deep red or rose-purple.