Trichomanes petersii A.Gray
Filed As
Trichomanes petersii A.Gray -
E. P. St. John 606, 13 Feb 1937
United States of America. Florida. Citrus Co. Near road leading into "The Cove," not far from bridge over Moccasin Slough.
NY Barcode: 3554995
Occurrence ID: 22321328-80c9-4337-8393-3c10f3671334
All Determinations
North America
United States of America
Citrus Co.
Near road leading into "The Cove," not far from bridge over Moccasin Slough.
if ebruary 16, 19 37. Bear Dr. Small:- Plans were made to spend .Feb. 13th in the field, "But when the morning came the rain fell in sheets* The day was so bad that only Edward had urge enough to set out. He spent the day in the woods on the Citrus County side of the Withlocooehee at Rutland Bridge« When he returned a stream of water was running from his pants hut he triumphantly displayed a hunch of filmy fern. Did he send you some? It seems to he T. Petersii.H Sincerely yours* va\ (signed) Bobert p. St* John. R D S' Dear Dr. Small F eh . £1, 193? I presume that Kobert has kept you informed of any significant happenings here, such as the discovery of a second station for Triahomanes Petersii eighteen or twenty miles from the other. Tt is in Citrus co.f in The Cove, two or three miles from Butland. There is perhaps a square foot of the plant, practically covering one small rock in a place very similar in character to the other station but at lower elevation and not far from the edge of a cypress swamp. I found it on a day when X could not work in my laboratory and was looking for Ophioglossa. There seem to be no fertile plants of the latter at this season, save in case of the two larger species, and in floridanum they are searce. (signed) Edward P. St. John. I Triohomenes Petereli from newly discovered stati on, the second known in the Oligocene-island region ef centrai Florida. fpp |eb. 27, lSg*. I had prepared a specimen of the T* Petersii from the new station for you. I encTo se It herewith, I have specimens of Asplénium Curtissli from the new station and will send them on soon in a larger package. (signed) Edward p# St. John. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN ”03554995 botanical Ferns of Central Florida Region of the Oligocene Island No. Trlchomenes Petersii dray Citrus Co., Florida. Near road leading into "The Cove*, not far from bridge over Moccasin Slough. Feb. 13> 1937t Plants cover- about 1 sq. ft. on one rock Coii. Edward p. st. j^n anfang low boulders and ledges*, 03554995
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Trichomanes petersii A.Gray