Ribes malvaceum Sm.

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    Ribes malvaceum Sm.

Harvard University, Gray Herbarium (GH)
Ribes malvaceum Sm.
Shrub 5ft tall, rare, leaves sticky, pungent, flowers pink,
white at center. Note that senesced flowers of
Eriogonoum are stuck on this specimen because they
were in the same collecting bag. Scrubby chapparal on
a N-facing slope in gravelly loam (Maymen gravelly
loam, shallow over schist, 30 to 65 percent slopes;
loamy, mixed, active, mesic Lithic Dystroxerepts).
With Adenostoma fasciculatum, Arctostaphylos
manzanita, Ceanothus cuneatus, C. integerrimus,
Centaurea solstitialis, Cercocarpus betuloides (?),
Eriogonum fasciculatum, Melilotos sp., Pinus
attenuata, P. ponderosa (rare), Quercus berberidifolia,
Q garryana, Q. kelloggii, Q. wislizenii, Rhus trilobata
and Torilis arvensis. Just to the N. of a crest of a ridge,
about 0.1 mi S. of a monument to chaparral wildfires,
just E. of the intersection of an unnamed road and Alder
Springs Road (Rt. 162), about 9.6mi W. of the
intersection of Rt. 162 & County Road 306.
Rattlesnake Ridge, Mendocino National Forest, Glenn
Co. Elev. 2820ft. 39° 40'02"N, 122° 40'06"W. UTM
10 528444E, 4390861N (NAD83/WGS84).
Coll. Doug Goldman #3012
25 December 2004