Anthurium obtusum (Engl.) Grayum

  • Filed As

    Anthurium obtusum (Engl.) Grayum

  • Collector(s)

    J. A. Steyermark 123256, 03 Jun 1980

  • Location

    Venezuela. Zulia. Cerro Los Manantiales, east of Río Guasare, west of Hacienda Los Manantiales, on property of Professor Morales, 12 km west of Corpozulia Campamento Carichuano.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3778342

    Occurrence ID: 92d084ba-8fac-4904-a268-45572556fd6c

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • Locality

    Cerro Los Manantiales, east of Río Guasare, west of Hacienda Los Manantiales, on property of Professor Morales, 12 km west of Corpozulia Campamento Carichuano

  • Elevation

    Alt. 600 m. (1969 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    11.02, -72.3417

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Anthurium obtusum (Engl.) M. H. Grayum
det. Tom Croat, 2012
The New York Botanical Garden
AAirHutiun TRINE rVe Miq.
A'pr*! htl
Anthurium trinerve Mig.
Determined by T. Croat 1981
Missouri Botanical Garden
N°' 123256
Anthurium scandens
Epiphyte; fruit white.
ESTADO ZULIA: Cerro Los Manantiales, forested uppermost
slopes and ridges, east of Rio Guasare, vest of Hacienda Los
Manantiales, on property of Professor Morales, 1'2 km west of
Corpozulia Campamento Carichuano, 11°1’N Lat, 72°20,30"W Long.
alt 600 meters	3 June 1980
Julian A. Steyermark, Gerrit Davidse and Alexander Stoddart
Collected under the auspices of CONICIT, Jardín Botánico de Maracaibo and Corpozulia, with the col-
laboration of the Instituto Botánico, Caracas (MARNR), Missouri Botanical Garden. St. Louis, and NSF.