Anthurium nymphaeifolium K.Koch & Bouché

  • Filed As

    Anthurium nymphaeifolium K.Koch & Bouché

  • Collector(s)

    G. S. Bunting 4828, 24 May 1975

  • Location

    Venezuela. Táchira. Carretera Rubio-Delicias, 20 km arriba de Bramón, cerca de El Pabellón, en bosque siempre-verde y húmedo.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3778154

    Occurrence ID: 559b66ea-606c-4e30-979f-8af094528770

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  • Region

    South America

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  • Locality

    Carretera Rubio-Delicias, 20 km arriba de Bramón, cerca de El Pabellón, en bosque siempre-verde y húmedo

  • Elevation

    Alt. 1975 m. (6480 ft.)

  • Distribution

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Anthurium nymphaeifolium Koch et Bouché, s.l.
Herb more than 2 m tall. Stem erect 1 m long with leaves erect
from apex; 2.5 cm diam. near apex. Old stem prostrate, to 2 m
long, with erect shots here & there. Cataphylls persistent-dry
& ferrugineous. Petiole terete with slight adax. sulca, green
to russet; geniculum stout x7 mm. Blade coriaceous, adax. glos-
sy at least if rubbed, midrib toward base & over petiole attach-
ment maroon-wine; abax. very glossy light green. Peduncle green
or suffused russet, upward rose or maroon. Spathe thick-succu-
lent-leathery, flat or recurved, or margins somewhat revolute,
spreading or somewhat ascending, 13-19 x 5.5 cm, pale & deep rose
outside, inside very glossy solid deep rose. Spadix (pre-anthe-
sis) lilac (glaucous), in anthesis to 14.4 x 1.1 cm, later deep
old rose or darker with creamy pollen, nearly smooth.
Edo. TACHIRA: carretera Rubio-Delicias, 20 km arriba
de Bramón, cerca de El Pabellón, en bosque siempre-
verde y húmedo. Alt. 1975 m.
George S. Bunting 4828
24 de mayo, 1975