Harpullia arborea (Blanco) Radlk.

  • Filed As

    Harpullia arborea (Blanco) Radlk.

  • Collector(s)

    A. M. Huq H10985, 31 Oct 2002

  • Location

    Cambodia. Kaôh Kong. Koh Kong Province, Smach Feet ean Chey forest area, c. 60 km from the provincial city Koh Kong.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 03784027

    Occurrence ID: a56276c6-cffb-4066-a543-10c1c734c66e

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  • Region


  • Country


  • State/Province

    Kaôh Kong

  • Locality

    Koh Kong Province, Smach Feet ean Chey forest area, c. 60 km from the provincial city Koh Kong.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 183 m. (600 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    11.2167, 104.167

  • Location Notes

    [Tropical Asia]

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

University of Illinois at Chicago
Plants of Cambodia
Harpullia arborea (Blanco) Radik.
Det. By: A.M. Huq & Phourin October 31, 2002
A scandent plant in the forest. Fruit tri-lobed, small,
green, rather soft.
Locality: Koh Kong Province, Smach Feet ean Chey
forest area, c. 60 ian from the provincial city Koh
Habitat: Growing at the Feet midst of the
semi-evergreen forest.
Site: 11° 13' 00" N 104° 10' 00" E 600 Feet
A.M. Huq, Phourin, Pungley et al., H10985, October
31, 2002
This is a voucher specimen for anti-cancer and anti-AIDS screening.
NCI Sample Number(s): OGHA-4831 OGHA-4832 OGHA-4833
Collected under the sponsorship of: U.S. National Cancer
Institute, University of Illinois at Chicago, Field Museum, of
Natural History, and Forest and Wildlife Section of Forestry
Department, Cambodia.
Please notify Field Museum of any new determination of this collection
specifying (hat it is a University of Illinois at Chicago voucher.