Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C.B.Clarke

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    Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C.B.Clarke

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 03777156

    Occurrence ID: e1e4e2d1-e2df-44ea-a6a5-1ee885dc5a4b

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Plants of FLORIDA, U.S.A.
Bulbostylis warei (Torrey) C.B. Clarke
WALTON CO.: 1.5 mi NNE of community of
Grayton Beach, 0.7 mi S of route 98, 0.2 mi E of
route 283, 30.34916°N, 86.15568°W (GPS,
datum: WGS 84).
Lightly shaded, dry-mesic, sandy edge of unpaved
road through pine forest; common, local.
Densely caespitose.
Robert F. C. Naczi 17136
Matthew R. Naczi
16 August 2018