Coleataenia longifolia (Torr.) Soreng

  • Filed As

    cf. Coleataenia longifolia (Torr.) Soreng

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 03761270

    Occurrence ID: 959efdfe-a492-4b27-a3bc-22aed7398964

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Flora of Montauk
Suffolk Co., New York
cf. Coleataenia longifolia (Torr.) Soreng
United States of America. New York: Suffolk County. East Hampton
Township, hamlet of Montauk, Montauk County Park, “Big Reed
Road”, wet sandy unpaved road alongside a shallow emergent
marsh. (4i.07909°N 07i.9i320°W).
Grass; stems compressed, glabrous; spikelets beige <2mm long,
acute at apex; pedicels 1-3 mm long; ligule a fringe of short hairs;
growing in association with Cyperusflavescens, Andropogon
gerardii, Plantago major, Setaria pumila and Arthraxon hispidus.
Victoria Bustamante -1228
07 Oct 2017