Uvularia sessilifolia L.
Filed As
Uvularia sessilifolia L. -
NY Barcode: 3745838
Occurrence ID: a6f1c7a0-d0fc-4dc7-976b-279972ee4a61
All Determinations
Location Notes
[US & Canada]
MggkMM HERBARIUM OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE, NEW YORK. P. ~Wf? *'££?/ IK UyuL ARIA,T. ijen Pl ^Ed. T p. "93,'"No.”263 (1737). V Oakesia, S. iWat-s. Proc. Amer. Acad. xiv. 221 (1879). ' The characters assigned to the genus proposed by Dr. Wat- son appear to me to-be insufficient to separate it from tlvularia. They are all differences of degree rather than kind, and a care- ful study of all the known species in the field has afforded me ijo other points of difference on which a genus could be main- tained. But whether they be considered as congeneric or dis- I tincfr, the name applied by him is not available for these plants, I because it was previously given by Tuckerman to Corema Con-\ radii, Torn (Hook/ London Journ. Bot. i. 445 (1842). j FLORA OF NORTH AMERICA Uvularia sessilifolia Linnaeus pet.: Frederick H. Utech (CM), 1994 FLORA OF NORTH AMERICA Uvularia sessilifolia Linnaeus det.: Frederick H. Utech (CM), 1994 NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN Mm sssifolia L. Annotated by R. L. Wilbur 2 FLORA OF WEST VIRGINIA, I Monongalia County. NO........' <'vrvro“-£^* ........Dat»Q^<V’....^.C?.....18g0 j COLL C. F. MILLSPAUGH, M. D~ ~ ' jj HERB. WEST VIRGINIA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. --....... , _ ?a 03745837 Uvularia sessilifolia L ANNOTATED- BY R. L. WlLBUR (fSL- NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 03745838 EW rod ^OTANfCAi. RDÊH 03745837 03745838
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Uvularia sessilifolia L.