Ribes americanum Mill.

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    Ribes americanum Mill.

Grossulariaceae Ribes americanum Mill,
det. M. Nee, 2017
WISCONSIN, Richland Co., 4 km. NW of Lone Rock,
hiking/biking trail of the old railroad, at the bridge over
Bear Creek..
43°12’03”N, 90°14’43”W. alt. 210 m.
T 8 N; R 2 E; SES4NWV4 sect. 3.
In marshy area near creek. With Salix eriocephala, S.
interior, Ribes americanum.
Shrub 1.5 m. tall, with a few stems in clump, the stems 1
cm. in diameter, seem to be 2 years old. Voucher for wood
specimens at Kw, Lw, MADw, RSAw. Inflorescence
hanging; flowers yellow-green.
Coll.: M. H. Nee 63501	2 May 2017
Missouri Botanical Garden (MO)