Cornus drummondii C.A.Mey.

Cornaceae Cornus cf. drummondii
Pith white; inflorescence as in C. amomum Mill.,
but style not expanded below stigma,
det. M. Nee, 2015
Wisconsin, Crawford Co., 3.5 km. N of Wauzeka, vie.
DNR parking area off Onstine Hill Road.
43°06’58”N, 90°53’00”W. alt 310 m.
T 7 N; R 4 W; NW/4NW/4 sect. 5.
Edge of deciduous woods and fallow field on ridgetop.
Shrub 2.4 m. tall, 2 cm. in diameter, with two stems near
each other in large thicket of the shorter Cornus racemosa
which forms spaced stems and not clumps. Voucher for
wood specimen, MADw. Flowers white.
Coll.: M. Nee 62177	25 May 2015
Missouri Botanical Garden (MO)