Ceanothus incanus Torr. & A.Gray

CiíANOTHÜS IKCANUS T, & G. Fll N. A. 'I ? 265. 1838.? •
Na 8051, collected June 16, back of Sisson along the Mt.
Shasta trail, elevation about 4000 feet. .This is by no means
typical, and may not belong here at all. It occurs at the place
where' C. velutinks and C. cordulatus meet, and bears some re-
1 ? .• f1 »j	1 '	p	•	1	/ \
j semblance to both. In habit . it is more lilge velutinas and the
finely serrulate leaves are more like those of that species inshape,
but. sure smaller, thinner, riot shining above. The appearande of
tlie branches and" the, inflorescence suggests co?dulatu$. ii is
plentiful along Nthe /railroad between IJpton and Blfick Butte
K Smnmit^butis	;