Ceanothus cuneatus var. rigidus (Nutt.) Hoover

  • Filed As

    Ceanothus cuneatus var. rigidus (Nutt.) Hoover

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3752232

    Occurrence ID: e2f2a71e-2fd9-4088-ae3c-3b911b2f8303

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Oregon State University
Flora of California, USA
Ceanothus cuneatus Nutt, in Torrey &
Gray var. rigidus	(Nuttall)
-R.F. Hoover
San Benito Co., California: Along State Hwy. 156 at its
junction with Buena Vista Road by Hollister. Elev. 75
N 36.8629° W 121.44428° WGS 84
Habitat: Roadside. Cultivated?
Shrub 1.5 meters tall; flowers lavender.
Associated taxa: Hordeum, Silybum, Erodium, Bmssica,
Avena, Centaurea.
Richard R. Halse 7840	24 March 2010
Det. Dieter Wilken