Campanula cashmeriana Royle

Herbarium of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Campanula cashmeriana Benth.
WISCONSIN: Winnebago Co.: Oshkosh.
Cultivated in 12-in. plastic hanging basket iq the
Department of Biology and Microbiology's
greenhouse atop the Halsey Science Center on
the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh campus.
Seeds purchased from Thompson & Morgan (Ipswich U.K.);
sown in flats on 3 Apr 2007; germination began on 16 Apr
2007; transplanted to hanging basket on 30 May 2007;
flowering began on 20 Aug 2007.
Stems semi-pendent, the flowers pendent; latex white,
sparse but producing a strongly acrid odor; corolla lavender
blue; style and stigmas white.
Thomas G. Lammers 11977 19 Dec 2007