Sagittaria teres S.Watson
Rights: Rights reside with creator, otherwise property of NYBG.
Filed As
Sagittaria teres S.Watson -
NY Barcode: 3730319
Occurrence ID: 4033b80e-a933-4099-bbe9-744b72ecf4af
All Determinations
Location Notes
[US & Canada]
Ibarvarö 'Ulniwrsitç (Braç t>erbartu,ilr B. i.. ROBINSON, Curator, V Am Gray Prof. Syst. Bot. M. L. FERNALD, 7 Fisher Prof. Nat.Hist.'(.Bot.) MARY A. DAY, Librarian ”‘:- EDITH M. VINCENT, Assistant in LibraryY I IVAN Mr JOWNSTON, Assistant Mr* William C# Ferguson, Hempstead, H. Yf CT Dear.Mr* Fergmeon: I have; iust been over your package of speoimeE < and am returning it with th£ exception of the shee^ of Sagittaria. wht you kindly sa|t we could retain# |n regard to the latter it is | certainly very typical S* teres *, I have before me twenty-f our( 24) different collections of this species from Massachusetts collected in good fruit, mostly my own collections some years ago on Cape Cod and in Plymouth, and they all agree ,in having the fruit with horizontal beak. Your plant is thoroughly characteristic, although if it had got stranded on the sand the leaves would have developed into much thicker qullla, somewhat like one1s little finger, ’ 4^ v .11 j. i - ""1 NEW Y0RK B0TA^-I5^-°.^.P^ CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS,- U.S.A. The New York Botanical Garden (NY) det: J. Richard Abbott, 2015 03730319 REVISION OP SAGITTARIA gramínea %chx. teres (S.Wats. ) comb. r°Vs local herbarium Herbarium of WILLIAM CASHMAN FERGUSON Bequeathed to the New York Botanical Garden New York Botanical Garden Clifford Bogin, 1952 Long island NEW YORK W. C. FlERÖUfON 03730319
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Sagittaria teres S.Watson