Potamogeton gramineus L.
Filed As
Potamogeton gramineus L. -
NY Barcode: 3710096
Occurrence ID: 0dd8f133-8536-423d-9902-4a5501489850
All Determinations
Location Notes
[US & Canada]
TRUMAN G. YUNCKER HERBARIUM OF DEPAUW UNIVERSITY (DPU) PURCHASED BY NY IN 1987 BOTANICAL „garde^J 4Ô0 *y £ * DEPAUW UNIV. HERBARIUM. STEH-ANATOMY EXAMINED BY E.C.OGDEN, m* 0 STELE: ENDODERMIS: O-cills . _ INTERLACUNAR BUNDLES: Absent'; Present; opter circle. throughout SUBEPIDERMAL BUNDLES: Absent Present. PSEUDO-HYPODERMIS: Absent: Present. PLANTAE EXSICCATAE GRAYANAE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 03710096 1307. Potamogeton gramineus L. Sp. PL 127 (l753); Graebn. in Engler, Pflanzenr. iv. Fam. 11, 84 (1907); Hagstrôm in Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. lv. no. 5, 204, fig. 102 A-E (1916); Ogden in Rhodora, xlv. 148, t. 746, fig. 86-88, map 10(l943), as var. typicus. Syn. P. Proteus heterophyllus C. & S. in Linnaea, ii. 202, t. 5, fig. 16c, f, g, h (1827). P. gramineus var. gramin\folius Fries, Novit. FI. Suecicae, 86 (1828) et am. auctt. seq. P. heterophyllus sensu Morong in Mem. Torr. Bot. Club, iii. no. 2, 23 (1893); Taylor in N. Am. FI. xvii. 19 (l909). non Schreb. P. heterophyllus forma graminifolius (Fries) Morong in Mem. Torr. Bot. Club, iii. no. 2, 24 (l898). P. heterophyllus forma longipedunculatus Morong, I.e. P. gramineus var. longepedunculatus (Morong) Graebn. in Eng- ler, Pflanzenr. iv. Fam. 11, 88 (l907). P. heterophyllus forma terrestris sensu Robinson & Femald in Gray, Man. ed. 7, 74 (1908). P. gramineus forma longipedunculatus House in Bull. N.Y. State Mus. ccliv. 58 (1924) in part. Shallow pool in shore sand about 10 meters from Lake Michigan, St. Ignace, Mackinac County, Michigan. Coll. E. C. Ogden, Edith M. Bolan (no. 1683) August 2, 1937 03710096
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Potamogeton gramineus L.