Phoradendron tomentosum subsp. macrophyllum (Engelm.) Wiens

  • Filed As

    Phoradendron tomentosum subsp. macrophyllum (Engelm.) Wiens

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3711723

    Occurrence ID: 68bbe497-2c22-40e9-a047-b0fc234242dd

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Division: Anthophyta
.CoUector Lowell Ahart
Phoradendron tomentosum (DC.) Engelm
ssp. macrophyllum (Engelm.) Wiens
Det. Job Kuijt
Cage- Dlcotyledoneae_Date March 27. 1983
Famiiy: Loranthaoeae_
Scientific Nam«: Phoradendron tomentoaum sap,
maorophyllum (Engelmann) Wiens_
Common Name: Long-Spiked Mistletoe_
Locality: Peter Ahart Ranoh, Honout. California
Plant Association: Valley Grassland_
Habit- Parasitic, sterna 3-6 dm. long_
Altitude: 50 meters_
Page: 991___
Butte County
About 1/2 of the stems. Found growing on a
cultivated tree (Modesto Ash), in the front
yard at our home, Peter Ahart Ranch, about
It miles north and 1 mile east of Honout
California. Only one plant was in the tree
and it was removed. The fruits are white.
The old name for this plant was Ehoredendrnn
flavescens (Pursh) Nuttall yqF.-“
macrophyllum Engelmann in Rothrock.